We have a new page on our site (under Shop-Stockists) which lists our current stockists.
At the moment we have two fantastic stores on the north and south side of Brisbane, and one in North-West Sydney. We will keep this page updated as new stores across the country come onboard.
If you live in these areas and want to check out the finger grips for yourself, I encourage you to visit the impressive range of supplies each stocks - and consider supporting them with purchasing the product directly at their store.
I would personally like to thank the current stores for believing in the product and what we are trying to achieve overall at Real Aussie Reptiles. I've had some very meaningful discussions with all, and where I can, I have personally visited each (and may or may not have purchased some new goodies while there...).
If you or your local reptile supplier is interested in stocking our finger grips, please email me at: laura@realaussiereptiles.com.au
In other good news, we've also created a one page catalogue of the current designs available on our shop.
This is available to download below: