Iris is a little teenie tiny tricolour Wheatbelt Stimson python, who found her way to me from a breeder who had an unfortunate sudden change in accomodation plans.
Because of this, little Iris still wasn't feeding on her own properly.
Following the steps outlined in my earlier post about what to do when your snake isn't eating; I realised that she seemed to show a little more interest in rats than mice.
The downside?
Even the smallest of rats is far too big for a teenie Stimson hatching!
So I decided to offer her the thigh and lower leg of a fuzzy rat, and to my surprise, she took it eagerly!
The next few feeds every few days I offered more than one piece, and then tonight, PARTY TIME! She immediately showed interest in a warm pinky mouse, grabbed it, coiled and ate it without hesitation.
I've been through this before with hatchies reluctant to eat, but it still always feels like its time to party when they finally take a decent meal, all on their own!!